by axxxm
24/February/2024 in Tokyo
Today's Newspaper
The front page & several other pages inside are
all about the 3rd anniversary of the war in Ukraine
24 February, in 2020
I was in Ukraine
Every year, around this period
I remember my 2-week stay in Kyiv
The memories are still clear
Difficult to believe
5 years have passed
Hard to believe
3 years have already passed
Over the past 3 years
I've met many people
who were "directly" connected to or affected by this war — Ukrainians
Russians, Belarusians
also met those
who were "indirectly" connected — those who had friends, ex-partners, or acquaintances in Ukraine but
had lost contact and
didn't know if these friends or ex were still alive
In 2020
I met several people in Kyiv
I don’t know any of them
where they are or
if they are still alive
There are so many people in this world
People always come and go in our life
But every interaction holds something precious
Each person brought something into my life — a piece of something precious
I still remember all of them