by axxxm
31/May/2024 in Tokyo
Every time someone says "Knowledge is power",
I secretly laugh at his/her mundanity
I secretly ridicule his/her naivety
And I secretly envy his/her nonchalance
Knowledge always steals & destroys beauties of my world
if someone says "Knowledge is pleasure",
then I overly dramatically shamelessly embrace him/her
Knowing new things.........
..........this stimulus to the brain & mind, and to the soul..........
is absolutely pleasurable
"Knowledge is power" is correct, externally
Knowledge surely helps to avoid,
to deal with,
to accept
a countless number of traps & rabbit holes in our life
Yet internally, knowledge only destroys one's dreams & beauties
"Knowledge is pleasure" is correct, internally
Not knowing.........."ignorance"..........fosters one's illusions & intoxications
Self-sufficient pleasures & fulfillments