by axxxm
1/June/2024 in Tokyo
I was reading a newspaper & saw an article
About a Japanese musician who died in 2009
I didn't know him
I never heard of his name
I know nothing about him
One line caught my attention
"..........He killed himself at the age of 62"
Before seeing this line,
I was curious who this musician was
& wanted to google his name
But once I saw this line,
completely lost an interest,
and close the newspaper
I felt disgusted
62 years old?
What a ridiculous
What a miserable
What a nasty suicide this was!
This is despicable
This is unbearable
This is just laughable
What a shameless artist he was!
He killed himself at the age of 62!
What an ugly death it was!
The article briefly mentioned the reasons for his suicide
Like loneliness
Like old age
Like growing anxiety with his talent
Like health
Like worries about the rest of his life, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah........
..........all these mundanities
All these self-centered, ugly, absurd mundanities
He should have suffered from these mundane problems
and should have lived until he died naturally
No matter how painful it would be
No matter how lonely it would be
This is what every other "normal humans" do
He made a mistake
He, as an artist, thought he could still commit suicide at the age of 62 and actually he did
This was his mistake
If he wanted to commit suicide,
then he had to have done when he was much much younger
But he didn't
He missed an opportunity to commit suicide when he was young
Then, he should have..........must have..........lived until he died,
no matter how miserably, painful, sad it would be
Suicide of a 62-year-old artist is mere ugly
Too late to commit suicide beautifully