Living a woman's life

31/January/2025 in Tokyo

For a long time,
I've felt;

"Living abroad

.........especially, in a country where Japanese people are rare, like Poland, like Serbia.........

is like,
Living a woman's life

"Not entirely. Only extremely partly, though"

On a train in Tokyo
—or anywhere, really—

When a woman passes by
every single man on the train looks at her, either
vulgarly or secretly

And I'm one of those men

A woman is the centre of attention

"Getting attention"

Sometimes it feels good
—I can't deny that

Sometimes it's uncomfortable
—Very unpleasant

And this is what happens, when I'm abroad

People judge others, based on appearance

And I am

It is so
It is too

simply because I'm Asian
simply because I'm Japanese

I stand out

which, again
can feel nice

At the same time
can feel quite uncomfortable

Sometimes, I return home late at night in a foreign city

Walking alone

And in the back of my mind
I'm slightly concerned;

—Perhaps I might be attacked—

I'm definitely not a "big", "macho" guy

Quite the opposite

Much smaller body than the local men
Skinnier frame than the local men, or even the local women

And with my clothing & slightly long hair
probably, from a distance, it might be hard to tell
if I'm male or female

And regardless of gender, though
I know I look physically weak & fragile

Obviously I'm aware that
I stand out less, if
I "dress down"
or I don't walk in the midnight

But why should I?

Why do I act like a "2nd class citizen" who is not fully qualified for the society?

In a foreign country
there are always places that I hesitate to go or avoid going

Because I'm a foreigner

I feel restrictions in daily life, which locals must not feel

That said
I can justify all of "negative aspects in daily life" by thinking;

"BecauseI'm a foreigner
"Because I'm an outsider
"Because I'm just a tourist"

I always have an escape the route;

"Going back to Japan"

In Japan
I'm just one of the crowed

Nobody pays attention to me

Every time I come back to Tokyo from abroad,
I find this very refreshing

does woman have the same "option" as I do?

Highly likely, no

Whenever they go, whichever country they visit
they must be looked, gazed, observed all the time

Over 1 month has passed since I returned to Japan

And, as always
I feel I became "arrogant"

Or, to be more precise
I feel I got a "power", which I've never asked for, really

In a foreign country
I feel like "I'm a guest. I'm a guest who is not invited. So I have to act modestly"

But in Japan
"Well, this is 'my' country. Why should I care......about how I look, how I behave, or what others think?"

It's true that
Japanese women "seem" shy & modest, compared to women in Poland or Serbia or other European countries

But because of this
I question it even more—


.............These experiences of mine abroad are
extremely tiny
extremely shallow
& almost laughable,
compared to what women experience everyday

But for 99% of men
having such experiences itself would be quite rare

And for me, as a man
even these surface-level experiences are enough to make me
what a woman must feel in this society every day