Warsaw Boredom

26/August/2023 in Kraków

2nd day in Warsaw
And I'm already being invaded by boredom

I used to almost idealise this city and considered Warsaw was my favourite city

Now, I no longer feel like that anymore

I can still say that to others, out of politeness

But I can't put my emotion into words anymore

Now, it feels very difficult to believe the fact that I used to live in this city for 2 years

What did I do in this city every day?
For 2 years!
God's sake!

Now, I'm almost certain that I will never live in this city

And it feels this is just a natural consequence of one's life

This city seems to have changed from even last year

Similarly I changed too

My life surely went forward & made progress

I can no longer be fascinated by the same things from the past

I can no longer be intoxicated by the things that I experienced already

I can no longer dream of things that I tasted already

Simply put, "Can't go back to the past"

This is just mundane truth
At the same time, this is a slightly sad realisation

I still have several days here in Warsaw

Looking forward to seeing how my perception will change in the coming days