by axxxm
24/June/2023 in Tokyo
Summer is when I feel "Japan" the most
Past 1 months
slowly but surely, humidity is increasing
Air feels heavier
Smell from trees & flowers feels stronger
Clothes, books, hairs......everything I touch feels somewhat wet
It really makes me feel "Japan"
It really makes me convinced
it is humidity that Japanese culture was born from
Humidity......, it makes everything sticky
And this stickiness is something that exists throughout this country,
throughout its history & throughout its culture
Collective society ― Excessive expectations each other ― Co-dependant relationships
Obsession with cleanness & orders
Softness ― cute ― Kawaii
And unfilled, unsatisfied, intense emotions that Japanese arts always express
......All is very "sticky"
Life of Japanese people are sticky
Relationship between Japanese people are sticky
Japanese arts are sticky
& Everything Japanese people touch become sticky
This dense suffocating humidity is something I never feel in Europe
And this humidity is a reminder that Japan is surely a part of Asia
Countless islands
Endless ocean
Affluent water
& Benevolent humidity