by axxxm
29/March/2023 in Tokyo
In the last day in Nara
Rainy morning
Saw a flower
Looked beautiful
I didn't know the name
Asked Google
"Japanese Andromeda"
Such a fascinating name
A couple of days later, looked up the Japanese name
Then, suddenly realised this is the flower that an essay I was reading before visiting Nara mentioned
Written by a Japanese novelist who visited Nara in 1920s, as he was impressed by the flower
When reading the essay 1 month ago I didn't know how Asebi looked like
But now I knew it & could imagine his impression more vividly
Felt like "Connecting the dots"
To sum up, this accidental meeting with the flower brought 3 joys to my life
One - Beautiful look
Two - Fascinating name
Three - "Connecting the dots" experience
Then, after all of this, one question came up;
"Is it possible to share this joy with others?"
My intuition said "No"
My joy is not a simple addition of above 3 points but much bigger
Each points affected each other/synergistic effects & increased total joy
Others probably can understand each single point
Snowing the flower photo
Then others could agree with its beauty
Showing the screenshot of the English name
Then others would think it's an interesting name
Explaining the essay and "connecting the dots" experience
Then others could imagine my intellectual pleasure
But this is not the joy I got at the end
The amount of joy I received was not the one from a simple addition, like 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
But 1 + 1 + 1 = 10 or 20 or 30, bigger than 3
Something happened in "+"
And the outcome became much bigger
........then I realised what I'd hoped to share with others is this obscure peculiar delightful experience coming from this "+", this synergistic effects
And to share this, to get others understand this, verbal explanation.....exactly what I'm doing here far from enough
Seems any words aren't enough
Seems impossible to share
.......Still haven't found the way to share it with others