by axxxm
21/January/2024 in Tokyo
Reading a memoir about Morita
who died with Mishima in 1970
This memoir was written by Morita's girlfriend
and published in 2023
Before opening it,
I expected "something" from this book
Mishima was a man who always acted "a strong man"
Trying to hide his "soft", "private", "humanly" sides
Thus, I was expecting
I could get to see some of these aspects of Mishima from this book
And certainly, while reading the first 20 pages,
I came across a scene where I felt like Mishima was showing his human sides
But after that,
I had to remember one obvious, apparent, fact
that is,
this book was written by a woman whose partner committed suicide
this book was written by a person who "was left behind" in this world
But still.........
More than 50 years have passed since her boyfriend's death
I kinda thought
she overcame all of her emotional things
She even got married several years after Morita's death, and had 2 children
"Happy days" must have been continuing
And I was guessing that
she was writing this book, as if she was remembering her "good old days"........
........the time when she was unmarried,
.......all these nostalgic beautified memories with a man who died with the most famous Japanese writer of that time, of even 2024
But the reality was.........
what is written in the book was.........
many heartbreaking matters
She has been suffering from a loss of her ex-boyfriend
She has been thinking about him for the past 50 years
She still has big emotions for Morita
These are so obvious that
her emotions for Morita look like much bigger & much more passionate than the ones for her husband
There's one episode in the book
25th July was Morita's birthday
She invited him to her house to celebrate
And for this,
she bought a gift,
decorated her room,\
cooked lots of dishes,
and waited for Morita to come,
until 4am the next day
But he didn't come
Few days later they met up and she asked him why
Morita gave only unclear explanations
It was the point where she was having a doubt for Morita's feelings for her
They still met up afterward
But she couldn't forgive him and their relationship got into a kind of stormy water
Then, 4 months later
25th November 1970
Morita died
"Why didn't he come to my place on his birthday?"
was a question she couldn't solve for a long time
But in 2020, she finally got to know why
She got to know
Morita's mother passed away when Morita was child
And the date was 25th July
She got to know
Morita's birthday was also a death anniversary of his mother
And she could guess
probably that's why Morita didn't feel like celebrating his birthday
After 50 years, she finally got an answer
Yet, it also deepened her regrets
If she had known it back then,
she could probably have acted differently
And perhaps, it could have changed a life of Morita
Morita died, not because of a relationship with her
Morita's reasons, and Mishima's reasons, were far far beyond such "trivial", "unimportant", "absurd" matters
But still, she can't stop thinking.......
perhaps things could have turned out differently, if she had known
"Dear Mishima Yukio, I was a girlfriend of Morita Masakatsu"
is the title
.........I opened this book, primary because of my expectation of knowing Mishima
But the book is actually a story about a woman who had to go through tremendous sadness and regrets
It's a story about a woman who could meet a man that she can't forget forever