by axxxm
18/February/2024 in Tokyo
When a relationship comes to an end,
I always have a strange feeling. Or, a question
"Where my emotions were all gone?"
Emotions I was having towards her
I think I cared of her
I think I had genuine feelings for her
I think I liked her enough
There were days I was thinking about her all day
In other words,
I consumed a lot of emotions of mine for her
But obviously(?),
emotions I tried to give her were not enough
Or, it was not something she wanted to receive
That's why, our relationship ended
And fair to say,
emotions she tired to give me might be also not what I wanted
Any relationships are about mutual interactions
Not one-way thing
But in any case, now I'm only talking about my own subjective view
Weather she didn't want or
didn't receive or
didn't notice at all.....
it all doesn't really matter
Inside me, there were surely emotions towards her...........This only matters
The relationship ended
Then, where my emotions, that I was having towards her, went?
Did it all vanish?
All wiped out?
Or, was it even real in the first place?
That very warm
That very fresh
That very acute emotions inside me
Where were they all gone?
Why did they leave me alone like this?
They were "my" emotions
They were a part of me
How come they could go away from me without my permission?
............I don't think it was all illusion
I don't think it all vanished
Because I'm still feeling,
this very raw,
this very vivid,
this very dazzling thing inside me