Everything related to confidence

13/November/2024 in Kraków

Open YouTube

Bunch of videos talking about "Confidence"

It occasionally makes me smile
& often wonder
why so many people, too many people, are talking about

"Self-confidence" or
"How to be more confident in 5 min" or
"How to stop being unconfident" or
"How to be yourself" or
"True to myself" or......

A couple of months ago
I was in a bar
& having a chat with a guy from USA, sitting next to me

At some point, he said

"Look at that woman. She is so gorgeous!"

I saw her

Her look was nice & very fashionable


next comment from the guy was something
I didn't really understand
& actually made me laugh in my mind

"I like her confidence. Her confidence to wear these cool clothes"

I thought in my mind;

".........Do we need confidence to wear clothes that we like, or that we want to wear?"

"At least, I never think about if I am confident or unconfident, regarding clothes I wear"

What he said

might be
could be
can be



that woman needed some amount of confidence to wear that nice clothes

And obviously
"the truth" must exist in between

We need confidence to wear cool clothes
And wearing cool clothes boosts our confidence

But my question, or
my confusion, or
my laugh

he seemed like
he tried to relate anything & everything to, so-called, "confidence"

I felt like
even when he sees a street cat begging humans for food,
he would be very impressed & say

"I like that Neko! He is so confident!"