Poland: end of my decadence

4/June/2024 in Tokyo

June 2014
was when I visited Poland for the first time

Beginning of June

So, exactly around this time 10 years ago, I arrived in Kraków from London where I lived then

For the first 1.5 days in Kraków,
I was in a dream

It was cloudy
It was chilly
It was unhappy

It was exactly what I'd expected from Poland

"Why did you get an interest in Poland?"

Every time someone asked,
I answered (still answer) "Because I liked old Polish films"

The truth was slightly different

What grabbed my attention the most was
the atmosphere Poland seemed to embrace

Dark, Depressing, Melancholic

........simply put, "decadence"

After 1.5 days in Kraków,
sky gradually cleared up
temperature rapidly went up

Brightful, Cheerful, Joyful scenes appeared here & there

Betrayed, I felt

This kind of "Happiness" was not what I'd expected from Poland in the slightest

My travel continued from Kraków
to Rzeszów, to Lublin & to Warsaw

Days were all sunny
Nothing decadent

And while traveling,
I had to notice I was actually very enjoying, even appreciating,
this brightful
hence, happy vibes

For a long time,
I was fond of art works that were described as "decadence"

Now, "decadence" is a slightly embarrassing word to use,
and I am hardly attracted to such works

Looking back,
that travel in Poland was the time when I dropped an interest in "decadence"
& started to perceive Poland as well as art works (in general) differently

.........A couple of months ago,
I was thinking to visit Poland at the beginning of June

to "celebrate" my personal 10th anniversary

Now June
Still in Tokyo

But soon