by axxxm
13/March/2024 in Tokyo
The past 2 months have been very busy
I had to write 2 books
Also, my first "proper" book will be published this summer nationwide
All of this makes my days hectic
But deep down,
I've been having some sentimental feelings
Some memories have been stuck in my head or heart these days
Several years ago
Exactly this period
Late winter to spring
I was focusing on learning some new skills
Few years passed
And now, I'm writing about these skills as books
I was, let's say, "a student"
But now, I became "a teacher"
or someone who teaches it to others through books
This obviously brings me a sense of progress and a kind of satisfaction
But a certain sentimental feeling has also been existing in my mind for the past few weeks
At that time
I was living in Warsaw
And I was dating with my ex-girlfriend
Memories of this period are inevitably related to her
Now, few years have passed since our separation
With time,
things I was not happy about lost its weight in me
With time,
things I was happy about gain more importance in me
With time,
memories about her, or about us, are becoming more beautiful in me
And now, I find it very hard to believe this fact that
I was dating with that woman who was beautiful inside out
How could I date her for that long time?
And even, funny enough,
how she could date me who was probably not very easy to deal with?
I don't want to go back to the past
I don't want to repeat the same things
Once is enough
I want to have the nice time again
I want to make the nice memories again
Having beautiful memories,
or at least, trying to find positive sides of things,
gives me a hope,
as in
"I could have such a nice time in the past"
"So, if I keep going, then I will probably have another nice time again"
.........This sense of hope is what keeps me sane these days